#a wish for things that work lyrics, #a wish for things that work lirik

Poison The Well


Could I end my life with a knife sharpened of problems
sweet satisfaction of a night sky with horns
a papercut bleeds like a cut vein
could this sky open up and accept this tortured soul
but my wings have yet to work
change means nothing
when nothing wants to change
save your strength for the first disappointment
break this mirror that changes you
forever is such an unpleasant word
it begins to eat you / from the inside out
blood stains on the wall / beg for sleep
as the noose is tied around your neck



Covered from head to toe in lighting,
it's constantly changing when I'm around.
Days left before this is over and done with.
The sheets keep whispering "will you make it through this day?"
I'll practice making scenarios that aren't really there.
The corner hasn't helped in so long it speeds everything up now.
Back and forth, walking every piece of baggage off of me.
Hope when it hits they ground they turn to ash.
Sing the words even though they don't make sense at all.
I believe letters keep me warm.
I believe letters keep me company.
Tonight and forever in this room with mood lighting.
Even though it doesn't make sense.



Choke on your forked tongue as you lie to me again
Say it's too early to show how we feel
just shove me away / but what can be said
to someone who can't hear
or comprehend your actions
I've lost faith in what I've been told / it’s all a lie
I show true feelings always feeling the pain
Smash me to the ground a thousand times as before
But I can't rationalize anymore / carry me away
on concrete pillows incinerate me once more
Love means nothing to you anymore
blood stains on the wall with disfigured forms / end me



Open everything around
how I want to say kiss me
you don't want to ruin anything
daring and beautiful stones
AIM at me
you never AIM at me
cursed with never being seen in your dreams
I'll walk around dead to you
I'll lie around dead to me
I feel soon
you'll wake with imaginary dreams
and wanting to hold this memory
always wondering who's coming to save
who's saving me
cursed with never being seen in your dreams
I'll walk around dead to you
I'll lie around dead to me
open everything around so all can see
how fast you waved good-bye



But I adore her
this will never happen
but I adore HER
this will NEVER happen
over my DEAD body
of course I think ABOUT it
burn my path if it does
shape my body as I feel
shape my body as I FEEL
and if it happens
I'll BURN and crawl deeper in my hole
darkness ALWAYS says hello
and your BURNING BODY will light my way
burning body LIGHT MY WAY



you say I need you
but how about the DEMONS in my head
I'm sure you don't miss them
cup my ears over and over when you speak
and I can't believe that you are here
I hate your eyes
it's been nice without you
and every word you say affecting me
keep your hands and your knees
because you'll need them later
you always smell the same
everything smells of you
I hate your eyes
you always smell the same
everything smells of you
you wanted it all
but now you can't see
what you adored in me
kill me again and again
so I can relive every moment with you