

It feels like the end of the world
What happen to peace here on earth?
It never gets better but worse
It feels like the end of the world to me
False prophets claim to be the answer
Misleading us and claiming your name
You can see that all the people, they are dying
Hear the rumors of war so blow us all away
Famine in the land of your fathers
Feel the earth giving birth to the dead
In these tribulations, preach his kingdom
And this is how you know that it's the end
It feels like the end of the world
What happen to peace here on earth?
It never gets better but worse
It feels like the end of the world to me
It feels like the end of the world
Are we getting what we deserve?
So take it for what it is worth
Cause it feels like the end of the world to me



Reign, Most High
Almighty Reign, Most High
Almighty I, Most High
What good is for a man to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit his very self?
He must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me
If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, then I will be ashamed of him
When the time comes, in his Glory, we well rise
I tell you the truth, some of you who are standing here will not taste death before they see Jah creation come with his power
What can a man give in exchange for his own soul he can not save?
When the time comes, in his Glory, we will rise
When the time comes, in his Glory, we will rise



Wherefore, God had highly exalted Him and given Him a name
Which is above every name
And at the feet of Jesus every knee shall bow
Of things of heaven, of things of earth and things under this earth
And at the name of Jesus every tongue shall confess that he is King
Under God the father
Christ is king, He is God
Who do you seek, you deny
That in the beginning was the word the word was with God
The word was God, so why do you fight
Which were born, not of blood
Nor of the will flesh, nor of the will of man
But of God the word became flesh
And dwelt among us and we beheld his glory
Full of grace and truth
Who's gonna bow down? Every knee!
Who's gonna confess? Every tongue!
Who's gonna bow down? Every knee!
Who's gonna confess? Every tongue!
Prophets of the past
Claim the son of man would come with their hands lifted up
And their eyes to the sky
They proclaim the name of Jesus Christ
People may ask why, who do you choose to live this life
But they know the truth, for he is the truth, desperate is their life
So what's the use
Here's one for the phunky drummer
Keep the rhythm rolling in your face
I got the bass, without a trace he's going
He's gone and I'm on the microphone and I'm known to get rough
So take some time out my rhyme bro and strut your stuff
Prophets we're four, I show you what's in store
Give praises to my ring so now, can I get an encore?
And keep clapping, keep clapping, keep clapping, keep clapping
Hey, yo what's happening, brothers are getting jacked
When you step to me with that disrespect
I think it's time for us to put you evil butt in check
And if you don't believe me, tell me who is next
And somebody tell the devil, that his match is met
From the word of God so you know it's the truth
And I tell you with power chump, what you gonna do?
I'll make it known again, that we're just spreading the good news
And we'll have you crews saying your Jesus is one smooth dude
Who's gonna bow down? Every knee!
Who's gonna confess? Every tongue!
Wherefore, God had highly exalted Him and given Him a name
Which is above every name, and at the feet of Jesus every knee shall bow
Of things of heaven, of things of earth and things under this earth
And at the name of Jesus every tongue shall confess that he is King
Under God the father



Never die



Intro yeah, it's the P.O.D. right here
Coming straight from S.D. C - A
619's in effect y'know what I'm sayin'
Givin' you that hardcore sound yeah
Comin' up from the ground boy
That's where it all started y'know what I'm sayin'
Yeah, this is hardcore, you know why it's so hardcore
'Cuz it's bult on the rock - what rock you ask
The rock of Jesus Christ, yeah that's right
Givin' you the truth 'cuz the truth hurts y'kow
But that's how we layin' it down
We ain't got nothin' to hide
And we're breakin' it down like that y'know what I'm sayin'
Hardlove, hardcore one way yeah, check it out
Abortion is murder
There's nothing you can say or do
To justify the fact
That there's a living breathing baby inside of you
That there's a living breathing baby inside of you
That there's a living breathing baby inside of you
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
There's nothing you can say or do
To justify the fact
That there's a living breathing baby inside of you
That there's a living breathing baby inside of you
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murde
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Murder, murder, murder, murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder
Abortion is murder, abortion is murder



God's invisible qualities
Eternal power an dignity
Ruling over everything
Forever and ever eternity
God's invisible qualities
Eternal power an dignity
Ruling over everything
Forever and ever eternity
Take a step back chump it's the word don't you know it
Strictly hardcore underground is how I flow it
I show it, and let it be known this good news
I live my life for Christ but you live how you choose
We rock a show we rock some more, He gets the glory
'Cause this is how we preach His word and tell His stroy
'Cause when it comes to my God there ain't no playing around
We either get on our knees, or we can get down
And we can get down
So, come and get some of this christianity
Dedicated my life, now I'm a soldier of G.O.D.
I stuff His words in your face 'cause you know I can
You heard this before, I don't care, hear it again
This is your final warning
Yeah, get it straight
So come and get a piece of His love before it's too late
We bless you Lord, you're my God and you're my life
That's how we do, so what that P.O.D. like?
Now what my G-O-D like?