Poison The Well


Another day passes by. Another attempt at love. Remains unrequited.
Why do I even bother? I should have learned from the past. I am but a statue.
Impervious to love. This punctured heart is mine. Becomes a handful of dust. Dust.
Hope has now wilted away. Wilted. Along with these dreams. That became emptiness.
A final exit becomes clear. I am self destructive. A product of this solitude.
I am riddled with shards. One simple wish now dies. Was my request so great?
One simple wish now dies [x3].
Was my request so great? Once again I drown in its denial. Was it so complicated?
Once again. I've been. Spit upon. Taken with a grain of salt. My life is gone.



Sir you've opened your eyes too late in the day.
They wait for you in the room.
You know they are having conversations of punishment.
Last night you lost control.
Broke all their blood pumping mechanisms.
So you stand in front of the polished sand.
Wondering what will become of you and them.
They are scared.
Burn them like you did the rest.
They are dead.
One step in front of the other.
You make your way to them.
You rehearsed your words so many times.
Say it like you mean it.
You always yell.



Open everything around
how I want to say kiss me
you don't want to ruin anything
daring and beautiful stones
AIM at me
you never AIM at me
cursed with never being seen in your dreams
I'll walk around dead to you
I'll lie around dead to me
I feel soon
you'll wake with imaginary dreams
and wanting to hold this memory
always wondering who's coming to save
who's saving me
cursed with never being seen in your dreams
I'll walk around dead to you
I'll lie around dead to me
open everything around so all can see
how fast you waved good-bye



With everything I've dragged in
venomous beings and all
It's nice to think that everything falls into place
but it doesn't
so guilty
so weak
so lost without you
now I know so guilty
so weak
stop calling me
please keep calling me
open your mouth to see if it's the truth
turn around so you can't see me say I miss you
stop calling
keep calling
stop calling me



Choke on your forked tongue as you lie to me again
Say it's too early to show how we feel
just shove me away / but what can be said
to someone who can't hear
or comprehend your actions
I've lost faith in what I've been told / it's all a lie
I show true feelings always feeling the pain
Smash me to the ground a thousand times as before
But I can't rationalize anymore / carry me away
on concrete pillows incinerate me once more
Love means nothing to you anymore
blood stains on the wall with disfigured forms / end me



But I adore her
this will never happen
but I adore HER
this will NEVER happen
over my DEAD body
of course I think ABOUT it
burn my path if it does
shape my body as I feel
shape my body as I FEEL
and if it happens
I'll BURN and crawl deeper in my hole
darkness ALWAYS says hello
and your BURNING BODY will light my way
burning body LIGHT MY WAY