Poison The Well


i've seen the horror
the horrors that you've seen
but you have no right to murder
you have no right to kill me
i have a right to do that
but you have no right to judge me
its impossible for words to disregard what is nessarcary
to those who do not know what horror means
horror..has a face
and you must make a friend of horror
horror and moral tear are your friends
if they are not
then they are enemies to be feared
they are truly enemies



Thought that I would
shove everything aside
to shake your hand
barbed wire wouldn't come fast enough
why does your name leave a bad taste in my mouth
when it rolls off my tongue
in your world excuses mean everything
stitch me for days because
I keep splitting myself for you
why does your face seem better on the floor
have you thought about death today
ask me I'll help
you never knew me
these are my last words
not that it matters anymore



Covered from head to toe in lighting,
it's constantly changing when I'm around.
Days left before this is over and done with.
The sheets keep whispering "will you make it through this day?"
I'll practice making scenarios that aren't really there.
The corner hasn't helped in so long it speeds everything up now.
Back and forth, walking every piece of baggage off of me.
Hope when it hits they ground they turn to ash.
Sing the words even though they don't make sense at all.
I believe letters keep me warm.
I believe letters keep me company.
Tonight and forever in this room with mood lighting.
Even though it doesn't make sense.



Why do your eyes paralyze me
What makes me feel this way
Just carry me away with silence and heartbeats
As rapid thinking about your embrace
and how it makes me feel
I just want to feel this way forever
Sleep on portraits painted as perfect as you
Why have I been given the chance to fly
When I'm not with you I feel lesser alone
I remember your face / imprinted on angels
Your voice as beautiful / as the sounds of waves
crashing against my heart
Time slows down when you look at me
I'm infatuated with this / infatuated with you
It's so hard for me to understand why
I hadn't found you before don't dull away
hold my hand



When you read this / I will not be the same
I have let my true form show
this is my last / lost in all my guilt
for letting you fall / understand it wasn't me
but I can't dream without showing intentions
as I ask these questions / where were you
now I can't see through your eyes
I remember the day the sun went out
It halted all progression with all its beauty
it just sacrificed / we fell apart
Sincerely yours I've disowned you [x3]
Sincerely yours I've disowned us



you say I need you
but how about the DEMONS in my head
I'm sure you don't miss them
cup my ears over and over when you speak
and I can't believe that you are here
I hate your eyes
it's been nice without you
and every word you say affecting me
keep your hands and your knees
because you'll need them later
you always smell the same
everything smells of you
I hate your eyes
you always smell the same
everything smells of you
you wanted it all
but now you can't see
what you adored in me
kill me again and again
so I can relive every moment with you