Bee Gees


When I was 10 years old, my parents were poor
Our house was so cold
And I was still in school and learning
And then I never really got too far
And ev’ryone we knew had money
And driving a car, and driving a car

Now I’m twenty-one
The street where I lived is blown up and gone
And I’ve had a good day crying
And the world around has changed alot
I never really gave much more
Much more then I got, much more then I got



I was hungry and I was cold , had a father far too old
Couldn’t make it to the place he’d like to be
In a treetrunk in the park , he was living in the dark
Keeping other dogs like him for company

In the evening I’d go down to a nightclub in the town
Try to get some bread to make another way
Back to the park I’d go , dig him out of the snow
You know he’s lived a thousand years day to day

Well , the days get shorter and the nights get longer
And you never learn to know
If you love one another , could you look at each other
Could it ever really show
And at this moment in time you couldn’t make up your mind
Now could you ever understand
Are you following me just like Moses to the sea
Do you think I’ll give you freedom in the end
When I’m long dead and gone will your love for me go on
Will I be the one you run to in the end
And all my dogs need a friend

It was a quarter to three in the summer of ’73
When I heard somebody call outside my door
Said “Are you friend or are you foe”
He looked up and he said “no, but I’d like to come inside and know you more”

Well the days get shorter and the nights get longer
And you never learn to know
If you love one another , could you look at each other
Could it ever really show
And at this moment in time you couldn’t make up your mind
Now could you ever understand
Are you following me just like Moses to the sea
Do you think I’ll give you freedom in the end
When I’m long dead and gone will your love for me go on
Will I be the one you run to in the end
And all my dogs need a friend

Need a friend
Need a friend



Alons, viens encore, cherie.
J’attendrai patiemment sous la lampe dans la vieille avenue.

Then I may end.
She had things to buy.
I close my eyes .
Yet I don’t know why.
I gave her money; said she knew someone.
And she said she won’t be long.

Lamplight keep on burning while this heart of mine is yearning.
Lamplight keep on burning till this love of yours is mine.

I sat alone with my thoughts and laughed .
Then saw your face in an old photograph.
I didn’t think that I could live without you but what am I to do ?

Lamplight keep on burning while this heart of mine is yearning.
Lamplight keep on burning till this love of yours is mine

Come home again dear. I have waited year after year
under the lamp in our old avenue.
If all in the world that’s laughing, why should it make us cry?




George was born somewhere inside London town
Working as he grew for that extra pound.
Respected by all he married and made a home.
To give his children more then he had known.

But then he died with out an explanation.
He never lied , a very sincere relation.

Years before a fire sent him in the street.
It took him months of work to make ends meet.

But then he died without and explanation.
He never lied , a very sincere relation .



In the summer of his years he would always smile;
He would laugh ev’ry day if he was here to stay.
For the summer of his years.

In the daylight of his dreams he would save his tears;
He would always hear when there was no one near
For the Summer of his years.

Ah,ah, ah, ah , ah,
Ah,ah,ah, ah, ah,
Ah,ah,ah, ah, ah,
Ah,ah,ah,ah, ah, ah,
For the Summer of his years,
For the Summer of his years,



The circus is coming to see you .
The elephant smiles.
Ev’rybody can hear you say that’s out of style.
My brother is friendly for reasons, if I am the same.
Just for four hundred seasons we all live in rain.

So I laugh in your face. Your only one race.
Yes I laugh in your face and I’m right.
You lie just like the rest. But there’s nobody best.
So I laugh in your face and I’m right.

I’ll pull out your plug so your small.
You’ll slide down the drain .
On the steps of St. Peter’s you all look the same.

So I laugh in your face. Your only one race.
Yes I laugh in your face and I’m right.
You lie just like the rest . But there’s nobody best.
So I laugh in your face and I’m right.

The circus is coming to see you . The elephant smiles.
Ev’rybody can hear you say that’s out of style.
So I laugh in your face. You’re only one race.
Yes I laugh in your face and I’m right.
You lie just like the rest. But there’s nobody best.
So I laugh in your face and I’m right.