Bee Gees


In the name of love and life
Turn your face to the lonely night
But you’re not alone when she calls you home
And this your world is on the edge
As good as lost but you know the way
Through this faceless town and she pulls me down
I know the place and the time (of our lives)
So long ago, and all through the years (never dies)
All things must pass
Irresistible force meets an immovable object and
Human animal madness and blood starts to flow
Invisible fingers and indescribable pleasure
I get to find my personal god
I get to find my personal god
God of love, God of gold
Ring of fire in the days of old
It’s what I’m living for
And love’s the only law
So answer mayday SOS
Search me north south east or west
It’s all I miss, just the one last kiss
This is goodbye to the days (of our lives)
My fair-weather friend
I feel your sorrow and tears (they are mine)
I share to the end
Irresistible force meets an immovable object and
Human animal magic, how far can you go
The rolling of thunder and you decide what your after
I get to find my personal god
I get to find my personal god
I surrender all or nothing
You must spread your wings and fly
I know the place and the time (of our lives)
My fair-weather friend
I feel your sorrow and tears (they are mine)
I share to the end
When an irresistible force meets an immovable object
Human animal madness and blood starts to flow
There’s bound to be a heartbreak
You make it the hard way
I surrender all or nothing
You must spread your wings and fly



I am a bird; watch me go drifting by.
With my feathers of power I laugh as the hours go slowly by.
That could mean ev’rything.
I am a street watching the people walk.
As I listen their conversations glisten as they start to talk.
Then I hear ev’rything.

Little white jug, me and Kilburn Towers,
as we sit on the hill and we drink and we swill
till the early hours,
Then I am ev’rything.
Little white jug and me and Kilburn Towers

That could mean ev’rything.

Little white jug, me and Kilburn Towers,
as we sit on the hill and we drink and we swill
till the early hours,
Then I am ev’rything

Little white jug and me and Kilburn Towers



Ah, I had a lot of love last night
Ah, I had a lot of love last night

I’ve given all my love away and I’ve been left with none
But can you say that I’m to blame for loving anyone
I used to think that I was always older then my time
We’re all breaking promises , who will cry this time
We’re all breaking promises , who will cry this time

Ah, I had a lot of love last night
(had a lot a lot of love)
Ah , I had a lot of love last night
(had a lot a lot of love)

I’m casting all my dreams hereto , my fish have gone to sea
And fate no longer has the faith to walk ahead of me
I always used to think that I was better then my kind
We’re all breaking promises , who will cry this time
We’re all breaking promises , who will cry this time

Ah , I had a lot of love last night (had a lot a lot of love)
Ah , I had a lot of love last night



Took a plane to Cairo
Then a Cessna to Rome
I got hijacked to Tel Aviv
And it’s the first time that I’ve flown

But I’ve found my Shangri-la
In a place that’s not too far , back home

Took a train to Jordan
And to Texas and back
I met Lyndon B. Johnson and I felt his hand on my back

But I found my Shangri-la
In a place that’s not too far, back home

Back home, back home,
back home, back home,
back home, back home



You stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.

You stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.

You stepped into my life,
Stepped into my life
Stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.

You stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so.

Before you came my way
I always checked this out;
So much pain in love
And so alone inside.
I never thought
that I’d believe in love so much.
But darling when you came close to me,
Suddenly, suddenly

You stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.
You stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.

You stepped into my life,
Stepped into my life
Stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.

You stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so.

You will never know
What you have done, my love.
You gave me so much more
My love is worthy of.
Beneath my very soul
I kneel before your touch.
Your touch is ecstasy,
Close to me.
Suddenly, suddenly

You stepped into my life,
Stepped into my life
Stepped into my life
And I’m oh, so happy.

You stepped into my life…



Hello there, Is there any air? Can you slow me down?
Can you believe that what you see could never ever be so real somehow.
Down to earth, my merry men.
There’s some help needed here and you’re there.
You can see if you stand on your chair.
That there’s millions and millions and
millions and millions of people like

Hello there, Do you really care? Have you time to learn?
Could you believe that what you read
one thousand pages couldn’t tell you why.
Down to earth, my merry men.
There’s some help needed here and you’re there.
You can see if you stand on your chair.
That there’s millions and millions and
millions and millions of people like you .

That there’s millions and millions and
millions and millions of people like you.