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Stevie Wonder


First man to die
For the flag we now hold high
Was a black man

The ground were we stand
With the flag held in our hand
Was first the red man’s

Guide of a ship
On the first Columbus trip
Was a brown man

The railroads for trains
Came on tracking that was laid
By the yellow man

We pledge allegiance
All our lives
To the magic colors
Red, blue and white
But we all must be given
The liberty that we defend
For with justice not for all men
History will repeat again
It’s time we learned
This World Was Made For All Men

Heart surgery
Was first done successfully
By a black man

Friendly man who died
But helped the pilgrims to survive
Was a red man

Farm workers rights
Were lifted to new heights
By a brown man

Incandescent light
Was invented to give sight
By the white man

We pledge allegiance
All our lives
To the magic colors
Red, blue and white
But we all must be given
The liberty that we defend
For with justice not for all men
History will repeat again
It’s time we learned
This World Was Made For All Men

Hear me out…

Now I know the birthday of a nation
Is a time when a country celebrates
But as your hand touches your heart
Remember we all played a part in America
To help that banner wave

First clock to be made
In America was created
By a black man

Scout who used no chart
Helped lead Lewis and Clark
Was a red man

Use of martial arts
In our country got its start
By a yellow man

And the leader with a pen
Signed his name to free all men
Was a white man

We pledge allegiance
All our lives
To the magic colors
Red, blue and white
But we all must be given
The liberty that we defend
For with justice not for all men
History will repeat again
It’s time we learned
This World Was Made For All Men

This world was made for all men
This world was made for all men
This world was made for all men
God saved His world for all men
All people
All babies
All children
All colors
All races
This world’s for you
and me
This world
My world
Your world
Everybody’s world
This world
Their world
Our world
This world was made for all men

Hear me out…

Who was the first man to set foot on the North Pole?
Matthew Henson – a black man

Who was the first american to show the Pilgrims at Plymouth the secrets of survival in the new world?
Squanto – a red man

Who was the soldier of Company G who won high honors for his courage and heroism in World War 1?
Sing Kee – a yellow man

Who was the leader of united farm workers and helped farm workers maintain dignity and respect?
Caesar Chavez – a brown man

Who was the founder of blood plasma and the director of the Red Cross blood bank?
Dr. Charles Drew – a black man

Who was the first American heroine who aided the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Sacajewa – a red woman

Who was the famous educator and semanticist who made outstanding contributions to education in America?
Hayakawa – a yellow man

Who invented the world’s first stop light and the gas mask?
Garrett Morgan – a black man

Who was the American surgeon who was one of the founders of neurosurgery?
Harvey Williams Cushing – a white man

Who was the man who helped design the nation’s capitol, made the first clock to give time in America and wrote the first almanac?
Benjamin Banneker – a black man

Who was the legendary hero who helped establish the League of Iroquois?
Hiawatha – a red man

Who was the leader of the first microbiotic center in America?
Micho Kushi – a yellow man

Who was the founder of the city of Chicago in 1772?
Jean Baptiste – a black man

Who was one of the organizers of the American Indian Movement?
Denis Banks – a red man

Who was the Jewish financier who raised founds to sponsor Cristopher Columbus’ voyage to America?
Lewis D. Santangel – a white man

Who was the woman who led countless slaves to freedom on the underground rairoad?
Harriet Tubman – a black woman



La la la la la la lala la
La la la la la la lala la

La la la la la la lala la
La la la la la la lala la

For you
There might be another star
But through my eyes the light of you it’s all I see

For you
There might be another song
But all my heart can hear is your melody

So long ago my heart without demanding
Informed me that no other love colud do
But listen did I not though understanding
Fell in love with one
Who would break my heart in two

For you
Love might bring a toast of wine
But which each sparkle know the best for you I pray

For you
Love might be for you to find
But I will celebrate our love of yestarday

So long ago my heart without demanding
Informed me that no other love colud do
But listen did I not though understanding
Fell in love with one
Who would break my heart in two

For you
There might be another star
But through my eyes the light of you it’s all I see

For you
There might be another song
But in my heart your melody will stay with me



We’re a people black as is your night
Born to spread Amma’s eternal light
Which since time began
Has been to bring truth to every man

Our ancestors have since long ago
Passed their wisdom down so we to know
For here lies the key
That will help unfold the mistery

A seed’s a star
A seed’s a star’s a seed
A star’s a seed
A star’s a seed’s a star

In myself I do contain
The elements of sun and rain
First a seed with roots that swell
I gradually burst through my shell
Pushing down into the ground
The root of me is homeward bound
A trunk, a leaf and there I am
A miracle of least by far

Tree – you are the longest living one we know
the largest of all plants and still you grow

Tree – within your branches there’s such history
so much of what we’re searching for to know

Every fifty years we celebrate
Po Tolo, our star, as it rotates
Though infinitely small
It is still the heaviest of them all

A seed’s a star
A seed’s a star’s a seed
A star’s a seed
A star’s a seed’s a star
A seed’s a star
A seed’s a star’s a seed
A star’s a seed
A star’s a seed’s a star

Ye Lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye

And some believe antennas are their leaves
That spans beyond our galaxy
They’ve been, they are and probably will be
Who are the mediocrity



Would you like to go with me
Down my dead end street
Would you like to come with me
To Village Ghetto Land

See the people lock their doors
While robbers laugh and steal
Beggars watch and eat their meal -from garbage cans

Broken glass is everywhere
It’s a bloody scene
Killing plagues the citizens
Unless they own police

Children play with rusted cars
Sores cover their hands
Politicians laugh and drink-drunk to all demands

Families buying dog food now
Starvation roams the streets
Babies die before they’re born
Infected by the grief

Now some folks say that we should be
Glad for what we have
Tell me would you be happy in Village Ghetto Land

Village Ghetto Land



Summer soft…
Wakes you up with a kiss to start the morning off
In the midst of herself playing Santa Claus
She brings gifts through her breeze

Morning rain…
Gently plays her rythms on your window pane
Giving you no clue of when she plans to change
To bring rain or sunshine

And so you wait to see what she’ll do
Is it sun or rain for you
But it breaks your heart in two
When you find it’s October

And she’s gone
And she’s gone
Summer’s gone
Taking with her summer’s play

Winter wind…
Whispers to you that he wants to be your friend
But not waiting for your answer ne begins
Forcing dangers ‘way with his breeze

Morning snow…
Plans to have a winter ball for you to throw
But just where or when he never lets you know
If it’s snow or clear days you’ll find

And so you wait to see what he’ll do
Is it sun or snow for you
But it breaks your heart in two
Cause you’ve been fooled by April

And he’s gone
And he’s gone
Winter’s gone

You find it’s October
And she’s gone
And she’s gone
Summer’s gone

You’ve been fooled by April
And she’s gone
And she’s gone
Winter’s gone

You find it’s October
And she’s gone
And she’s gone
Summer’s gone

You’ve been fooled by April
And she’s gone
And she’s gone
Winter’s gone



Someday at Christmas men won’t be boys
Playing with bombs like kids play with toys
One warm December our hearts will see
A world where men are free

Someday at Christmas there’ll be no wars
When we have learned what Christmas is for
When we have found what life’s really worth
There’ll be peace on earth

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmastime

Someday at Christmas we’ll see a land
With no hungry children, no empty hand
One happy morning people will share
Our world where people care

Someday at Christmas there’ll be no tears
All men are equal and no men have fears
One shining moment, one prayer away
From our world today

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmastime

Someday at Christmas man will not fail
Hate will be gone and love will prevail
Someday a new world that we can start
With hope in every heart

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmastime
Someday at Christmastime