#you dont know lirik, #plantashun boiz don t you know lyrics, #dont you wanna know lyrics, #denyque don t you know lyrics, #i dont know who you are lyrics, #Don’t You Know lirik

Stevie Wonder


Woooh, well, don’t you know, baby
Child, don’t you know baby
Oww, don’t you know baby
Little girl, little girl, don’t you know
Please listen to me baby
Girl, I’m in love with you so
Turn your lamp down low
I said turn your lamp down low
Wooo, turn it down
Please turn your lamp down low
Come on baby
Girl I’m in love with you so
Now I know I’ve been away
For such a long time
But now baby
I can’t get you off of my mind
So come on, please baby come on
Come on, come on
Love your daddy all night long
Now if you love me
Like I love you
We can do all the things that we
Used to do
So come on, Oww, baby come on
Please baby come on
Love your daddy all night long

Say, have you heard baby
Ray Charles is in town
Let’s mess around till the midnight hour
See what he’s puttin down
Come on
Please baby, come on, child
Oh lord, baby
Come on, all night long
Turn your lamp down low
Cause I love you so
Baby please come on
Love your daddy all night long
You hear me talkin, baby
Baby please come on



When was the last time
That they heard you say
Mother or father, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Daughter or son, I love you

Ones you say you cherish everyday
Can instantly be taken away
Then you’d say I know this can’t be true
When you never took the time
To simply tell them “I love you”

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Sister or brother, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Darling or best friend, I love you

The one for whom you’d give your very life
Could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
Through you tears you’d ask why did you go
Knowing you didn’t always show
Just how much you loved them so



Good morn or evening friends
Here’s your friendly announcer
I have serious news to pass on to every-body
What I’m about to say
Could mean the world’s disaster
Could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain

It’s that
Love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
Send yours in right away
Hate’s goin’ round
Breaking many hearts
Stop it please
Before it’s gone too far

The force of evil plans
To make you its possession
And it will if we let it
Destroy ev-er-y-body
We all must take
Precautionary measures
If love and please you treasure
Then you’ll hear me when I say

Oh that
Love’s in need of love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t delay
Send yours in right away
right a-way
Hate’s goin’ round
hate’s goin’ round
Breaking many hearts
break-ing hearts
Stop it please
stop it please
Before it’s gone too far
gone too far

People you know that
Love’s in need of love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t de-lay

Send yours in right away
right a-way
You know that hate’s
Hate’s goin’ round
goin’ round
Breaking many hearts
break-ing hearts
Stop stop it please
Before it’s gone too far
gone too far

It’s up to you cause
Love’s in need of love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t de-lay
Send yours in right away
right a-way
You know that hate’s
Hate’s goin’ round
goin’ round
Breaking-hate’s tried to break my heart many times
break-ing hearts
Don’t-you’ve got to stop it please
stop it please
Before before before
gone too far

Love’s in need of love love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t de-lay
Send yours in right away
right a-way
You know that hate’s going around
hate’s goin’
Hate’s going around hate’s going around
round break-
And it tried to break up many hearts
ing hearts Stop
You’ve got to I’ve got to They’ve got to
it please
We’ve got to They’ve got to We’ve got to
Stop it before it’s gone too far
too far
Love’s love’s in need of love
love’s in need of love
Did you ever think that love would be in need of love today
to-day don’t
Don’t delay
Send yours right away
right a-way

Hate’s hate’s
hate’s goin’ round
Bring it down a little love is very peaceful
So bring it down a little
stop it please
gone too far
love’s in need
of love today
don’t delay
right away awaaaay
love’s in need
of love today
don’t delay
right away awaaaay
hate’s goin round
breaking hearts
Well, please stop it
Um L-O-V-E love Oh, L-O-V-E lo———ve
love’s in need
of love today
don’t delay
right away
Just give the world LOVE.



All the gold in the world
Is nothing to possess
If all the things that it can bring
Can’t add up to one ounce of your happiness

And for your love
I would do anything
Just to see you smile upon your face
For your love
I would go anywhere
Just you tell me and I’ll be right there

A diamond that shines
Like a star in the sky
Is nothing to behold
For minuscule is any light
If it can’t like you brighten up my soul

And for your love
I would do anything
Just to see you smile upon your face
For your love
I would go anywhere
Just you tell me and I’ll be right there

I could have never fathomed this
Such joy , love and tenderness
That you give to me
For the love I feel inside
It’s so wonderful I can’t hide
And I glow, I glow
With just the thought of you
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do

And for your love
I would do anything
Just to see you smile upon your face
For your love
I would go anywhere
Just you tell me and I’ll be right there



Packing my bags-going away
To a place where the air is clean
On saturn
There’s no sense to sit and watch the people die
We don’t fight our wars the way you do
We put back all the things we use
On Saturn
There’s no sense to keep on doing such crimes

There’s no principles in what you say
No direction in the things you do
For your world is soon to come to a close
Through the ages all great men have taught
Truth and happiness just can’t be bought-or sold
Tell me why are you people so cold

Going back to Saturn where the rings all glow
Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow
On Saturn
People live to be two hundred and five
Going back to saturn where the people smile
Don’t need cars cause we’ve learn to fly
On Saturn
Just to live to us is our natural high

We have come here many times before
To find your strategy to peace is war
Killing helpless men, women and children
That don’t even know what they are dying for
We can’t trust you when you take a stand
With a cold expression on your face
Saying give us what we want or we’ll destroy

Going back to Saturn where the rings all glow
Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow
On Saturn
People live to be two hundred and five
Going back to saturn where the people smile
Don’t need cars cause we’ve learn to fly
On Saturn
Just to live to us is our natural high



Like a long lonely stream
I keep runnin’ towards a dream
Movin’ on, movin’ on
Like a branch on a tree
I keep reachin’ to be free
Movin’ on, movin’ on

‘Cause there’s a place in the sun
Where there’s hope for ev’ryone
Where my poor restless heart’s gotta run
There’s a place in the sun
And before my life is done
Got to find me a place in the sun

Like an old dusty road
I get weary from the load
Movin’ on, movin’ on
Like this tired troubled earth
I’ve been rollin’ since my birth
Movin’ on, movin’ on

There’s a place in the sun
Where there’s hope for ev’ryone
Where my poor restless heart’s gotta run
There’s a place in the sun
And before my life is done
Got to find me a place in the sun

You know when times are bad
And you’re feeling sad
I want you to always remember

Yes, there’s a place in the sun
Where there’s hope for ev’ryone
Where my poor restless heart’s gotta run
There’s a place in the sun
Where there’s hope for ev’ryone
Where my poor restless heart’s gotta run
There’s a place in the sun
Where there’s hope for ev’ryone…