Stevie Wonder


I met her at lover’s park
One rainy April Monday
Smiling soft and warm as on
A clear December Sunday
Wearing taffeta and lace
That matched her braided hair
With their coraled beads that sang to me

She said “hi” and asked me why
Was I looking with sorrow
When there were much brighter days
In store for me tomorrow

I looked up at her and smiled
And said, why I don’t know
But would she agree, to stay with me
And she said
Never in your sun, she said
Never in your sun, then she said
I will only come
In your pouring rain to relieve the pain

So if you are at lover’s park
And someone looks with sorrow
Ask them why are they so sad
When sunshine’s theirs tomorrow
They’ll reply they don’t know why
And ask you please to stay
’til the end of time, and when they’re fine

Be kind and say
Never in your sun, just tell them
Never in your sun, then say
I will only come
In your pouring rain, to relieve the pain, never, ever
Never in your sun, never in your sun, believe that
I will only come
In your pouring rain to relieve the pain



Woke up this morning, my baby’s gone
Woke up this morning, my baby’s gone
I ain’t had no loving since my baby been gone

I ain’t got nobody to stay at home with me
I ain’t got nobody to stay at home with me
I wonder ’bout my baby, what’s gonna happen to me

My baby’s gone, gone away from me
My baby’s gone, gone away from me
My whole life is in misery

My baby’s gone, gone away from me
My baby’s gone, gone away from me
And now I’m worried taht you can see



La la la la la la lala la
La la la la la la lala la

La la la la la la lala la
La la la la la la lala la

For you
There might be another star
But through my eyes the light of you it’s all I see

For you
There might be another song
But all my heart can hear is your melody

So long ago my heart without demanding
Informed me that no other love colud do
But listen did I not though understanding
Fell in love with one
Who would break my heart in two

For you
Love might bring a toast of wine
But which each sparkle know the best for you I pray

For you
Love might be for you to find
But I will celebrate our love of yestarday

So long ago my heart without demanding
Informed me that no other love colud do
But listen did I not though understanding
Fell in love with one
Who would break my heart in two

For you
There might be another star
But through my eyes the light of you it’s all I see

For you
There might be another song
But in my heart your melody will stay with me



I pity the fool
I said I pity the fool
I pity the fool
You know I pity the fool
That falls in love with you
And expects you to be true
Oh I pity the fool

Look at the people
I know you’re wondering
What they’re doing
They’re just standing there
Watching you make a fool of me

Look at the people
I know you’re wondering
What they’re doing
They’re just standing there
Watching you make a fool of me

Look at the people
I know you’re wondering
What they’re doing
They’re just standing there
Watching you make a fool of me

I pity the fool
I said I pity the fool
I pity the fool
You know I pity the fool
That falls in love with you
And expects you to be true
Oh I pity the fool…



When by the phone
In vain you sit
You very soon in your mind realize that it’s not just
An ordinary pain in your heart

When you by chance
Go knock on her door
Walkin’ away you’re convinced that it’s much more
Than just an ordinary pain in your heart
It’s more than just
An ordinary pain in your heart

Don’t fool yourself
But tell no one else
That it’s more than just
An ordinary pain
In your heart

When you catch up
But she says goodbye
Hold back your tears and before you start to cry
Say you feel unnecessary pain in your heart

Tell her you’re glad
It’s over in fact
Can she take with her the pain she brought you back
Takin that ordinary pain from your heart
It’s more than just
An ordinary pain from your heart

Don’t fool yourself
But tell no one else
That it’s more than just
An ordinary pain
In your heart
In your heart
In your heart

You’re just a masachistic fool
Because you knew my love was cruel
You never listened when they said
Don’t let that girl go to your head
But like a play boy you said no
or*di*nary pain
This little girl mind you will blow
or*di*nary pain
But then I blew you out the box
or*di*nary pain
When I put my stuff on key and lock
or*di*nary pain
It makes me feel kind of sick
or*di*nary pain
To know love put you in a trick
or*di*nary pain
I knew our love would have to end
or*di*nary pain
The day I made it with your friend
or*di*nary pain
Giving your love to one unreal
or*di*nary pain
Like a big fool I know you feel
or*di*nary pain
But in this lovie-dovie game
or*di*nary pain
With all its joy there must be pain
or*di*nary pain
But now the time has surely come
or*di*nary pain
This game don’t seem like so much fun
or*di*nary pain
You’re cryin big corcodile tears
or*di*nary pain
Don’t match the ones I’ve cried for years
or*di*nary pain
When I was home wainting for you
or*di*nary pain
You were out somewhere doing the do
or*di*nary pain
You know I’d really like to stay
or*di*nary pain
But like you did I’ve go to play
or*di*nary pain
You’re dumb to think I’d let you be
or*di*nary pain
Scott free without some pain from me
or*di*nary pain
I heard your song and took a chance
or*di*nary pain
But to your music I can’t dance
or*di*nary pain
Go tell your story ‘sob-sad’
or*di*nary pain
About you blowin what you had
or*di*nary pain
Since one ain’t good enough for you
or*di*nary pain
Then do yourself see how you do
or*di*nary pain

or*di*nary pain
or*di*nary pain
or*di*nary pain
or*di*nary pain
or*di*nary pain



Good morn or evening friends
Here’s your friendly announcer
I have serious news to pass on to every-body
What I’m about to say
Could mean the world’s disaster
Could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain

It’s that
Love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
Send yours in right away
Hate’s goin’ round
Breaking many hearts
Stop it please
Before it’s gone too far

The force of evil plans
To make you its possession
And it will if we let it
Destroy ev-er-y-body
We all must take
Precautionary measures
If love and please you treasure
Then you’ll hear me when I say

Oh that
Love’s in need of love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t delay
Send yours in right away
right a-way
Hate’s goin’ round
hate’s goin’ round
Breaking many hearts
break-ing hearts
Stop it please
stop it please
Before it’s gone too far
gone too far

People you know that
Love’s in need of love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t de-lay

Send yours in right away
right a-way
You know that hate’s
Hate’s goin’ round
goin’ round
Breaking many hearts
break-ing hearts
Stop stop it please
Before it’s gone too far
gone too far

It’s up to you cause
Love’s in need of love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t de-lay
Send yours in right away
right a-way
You know that hate’s
Hate’s goin’ round
goin’ round
Breaking-hate’s tried to break my heart many times
break-ing hearts
Don’t-you’ve got to stop it please
stop it please
Before before before
gone too far

Love’s in need of love love today
love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay
don’t de-lay
Send yours in right away
right a-way
You know that hate’s going around
hate’s goin’
Hate’s going around hate’s going around
round break-
And it tried to break up many hearts
ing hearts Stop
You’ve got to I’ve got to They’ve got to
it please
We’ve got to They’ve got to We’ve got to
Stop it before it’s gone too far
too far
Love’s love’s in need of love
love’s in need of love
Did you ever think that love would be in need of love today
to-day don’t
Don’t delay
Send yours right away
right a-way

Hate’s hate’s
hate’s goin’ round
Bring it down a little love is very peaceful
So bring it down a little
stop it please
gone too far
love’s in need
of love today
don’t delay
right away awaaaay
love’s in need
of love today
don’t delay
right away awaaaay
hate’s goin round
breaking hearts
Well, please stop it
Um L-O-V-E love Oh, L-O-V-E lo———ve
love’s in need
of love today
don’t delay
right away
Just give the world LOVE.