Stevie Wonder


If it’s magic…
Then why can’t it be everlasting
Like the sun that always shines
Like the poets in this rhyme
Like the galaxies in time

If it’s pleasing…
Then why can’t it be never leaving
Like the day that never fails
Like on seashores there are shells
Like the time that always tells

It holds the key to every heart
Throughout the universe
It fills you up without a bite
And quenches every thirst

If it’s special
Then with it why aren’t we as careful
As making sure we dress in style
Posing pictures with a smile
Keeping danger from a child

It holds the key to every heart
Throughout the universe
It fills you up without a bite
And quenches every thirst

If it’s magic…
Why can’t we make it everlasting
Like the lifetime of the sun
It will leave no heart undone
For there’s enough for everyone



Lonely one of young so brokenhearted
Traveling down the right road of life
Using pharmaceutical extractions
To find the paradise

Finds the high but comes down feeling lower
Gets down on their knees and starts to pray
Looking up to heaven for the answer
They hear a voice that says

You will know
Troubled heart you’ll know
Problems have solutions
Trust and I will show

You will know
Troubled heart you’ll know
Every life has reason
For I made it so

Single parent trying to raise their children
But they would much rather not alone
Reaches out to find that special someone
To make their house a home

Finds someone but no one is the right one
Gets down on their knees and starts to pray
Looking up to heaven for the answer
They hear a voice that says

You will know
Lonely heart you’ll know
Problems have solutions
Trust and I will show

You will know
Lonely heart you’ll know
Every life has reason
For I made it so



The shadow of your smile when you are gone
Will color all my dreams and light the dawn
Look into my eyes, my love, and see
All the lovely things you are to me

Our wistful little star was far too high
A teardrop kissed your lips andd so did I
Now when I remember spring
All the joy that love can bring
I will be remembering
The Shadow of your smile



There is something on my mind that’s in my heart written on my face
And it would behove me and my soul if I did state my case
And so as truth is real and real is truth this truly must be told
That you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

It’s your love for life, your love for God, your love for love and more
And you express your love in ways like I’ve never known before
If there’s a record kept on who’s the sweetest let the record show
That you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

You are the sweetest somebody I know
And that is why I can’t help but love you so

In a time when people are on with making sure that they’re okay
You pour out your love every second, every minute, every hour of the day
I’m not trying to blow your horn I’m only saying what is so
That you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

You are the sweetest somebody I know
And that is why I can’t help but love you so

When I feel like from giving up from seeing all life’s pain and strife
You rejuvenate me saying everything’s gonna be alright
If there’s a place called “heaven” bet my life someday you’re gonna go
Cause you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

You are the sweetest somebody I know
And that is why I can’t help but love you so



A flake of snow within a storm
A new way waiting to be born
In a world with need of change
A touch of love in fear of hate
A rushing wind that’s asked to wait
For the promises of rain
A pearl of wisdom entrapped by poverty

She gives love with purity
Filling minds with hopeful schemes
To build worlds enhanced by peace
Draped in sparkling morning dew
She expresses life anew
From the earth beneath her feet
She is a flower that grows
In love ability
She’s femininity

Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why did they make you begin
When they know in time you’ll find your truth
before your cycle ends
Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why are you crying their fears
When the true reflection of you that they see
Is love besieged by years

She has touched the farthest star
Her beauty speaks of what we are
And her freedom makes us free
Her now is in eternity
Infinite to all that see
And her dreams have been achieved
Now there is a sound of laughter
Nature signs out her name
For the world to know her fame

Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why did they criticize
When they knew your love could cast its spell and
consecrate their eyes
Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why do you linger in space
When you know in every heart that beats
You hold a special place
When you know in every heart that beats
You hold a special place



Show me how to do like you
If you say please

Since age one Keita knew he had the answer
And it was that someday he’d be a dancer
And with help from his sis
Surely that boy would not miss
From being the baddest dancer in the whole neighborhood
Late at night when he was supposed to be sleeping
You could hear the pitter patter of feet creeping
To where music would play
To his sister he would say
Before his father said hey boy get right back in that bed

Show me how to do like you
Show me how to do it
Show me how to do like you
Show me how to do it
– Can you rock can you rock
Show me how to do like you
Can you rock around the clock, can you rock
Show me how to do it
– Can you rock can you rock
Show me how to do like you
Can you rock around the clock, can you rock

Once at school they put on a talent contest
To find out who could really boogy the best
But his mama said no
Keita’s much too young to go
But his sister said please let him go so the world can see
When they saw him they said he must be crazy
Look at him he ain’t nothing but a baby
But soon as he began
You knew the contest he would win
Because everyone in the audience began to cheer

Show me how to do like you
Show me how to do it
Show me how to do like you
Show me how to do it
– Can you rock can you rock
Show me how to do like you
Can you rock around the clock, can you rock
Show me how to do it
– Can you rock can you rock
Show me how to do like you
Can you rock around the clock, can you rock
Show me how to do it
– Can you rock can you rock
Show me how to do like you
Can you rock around the clock, can you rock
Show me how to do it

Ooh, you done broke Mama’s lamp
Uh, uh
Yes you did
No I didn’t