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Stevie Wonder


Come they told me
Pa rum pum pum pum
A new born King to see
Pa rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring
Pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the kIng
Pa rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum

So to honor Him
Pa rum pum pum pum
When we come

Little baby
Pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too
Pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring
Pa rum pum pum pum
That’s fit to give our King
Pa rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum

Shall I play for you
Pa rum pum pum pum
On my drum

Mary nodded
Pa rum pum pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time
Pa rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for Him
Pa rum pum pum pum
I played my best for Him
Pa rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum
Then He smiled at me
Pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum



A flake of snow within a storm
A new way waiting to be born
In a world with need of change
A touch of love in fear of hate
A rushing wind that’s asked to wait
For the promises of rain
A pearl of wisdom entrapped by poverty

She gives love with purity
Filling minds with hopeful schemes
To build worlds enhanced by peace
Draped in sparkling morning dew
She expresses life anew
From the earth beneath her feet
She is a flower that grows
In love ability
She’s femininity

Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why did they make you begin
When they know in time you’ll find your truth
before your cycle ends
Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why are you crying their fears
When the true reflection of you that they see
Is love besieged by years

She has touched the farthest star
Her beauty speaks of what we are
And her freedom makes us free
Her now is in eternity
Infinite to all that see
And her dreams have been achieved
Now there is a sound of laughter
Nature signs out her name
For the world to know her fame

Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why did they criticize
When they knew your love could cast its spell and
consecrate their eyes
Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why do you linger in space
When you know in every heart that beats
You hold a special place
When you know in every heart that beats
You hold a special place



First man to die
For the flag we now hold high
Was a black man

The ground were we stand
With the flag held in our hand
Was first the red man’s

Guide of a ship
On the first Columbus trip
Was a brown man

The railroads for trains
Came on tracking that was laid
By the yellow man

We pledge allegiance
All our lives
To the magic colors
Red, blue and white
But we all must be given
The liberty that we defend
For with justice not for all men
History will repeat again
It’s time we learned
This World Was Made For All Men

Heart surgery
Was first done successfully
By a black man

Friendly man who died
But helped the pilgrims to survive
Was a red man

Farm workers rights
Were lifted to new heights
By a brown man

Incandescent light
Was invented to give sight
By the white man

We pledge allegiance
All our lives
To the magic colors
Red, blue and white
But we all must be given
The liberty that we defend
For with justice not for all men
History will repeat again
It’s time we learned
This World Was Made For All Men

Hear me out…

Now I know the birthday of a nation
Is a time when a country celebrates
But as your hand touches your heart
Remember we all played a part in America
To help that banner wave

First clock to be made
In America was created
By a black man

Scout who used no chart
Helped lead Lewis and Clark
Was a red man

Use of martial arts
In our country got its start
By a yellow man

And the leader with a pen
Signed his name to free all men
Was a white man

We pledge allegiance
All our lives
To the magic colors
Red, blue and white
But we all must be given
The liberty that we defend
For with justice not for all men
History will repeat again
It’s time we learned
This World Was Made For All Men

This world was made for all men
This world was made for all men
This world was made for all men
God saved His world for all men
All people
All babies
All children
All colors
All races
This world’s for you
and me
This world
My world
Your world
Everybody’s world
This world
Their world
Our world
This world was made for all men

Hear me out…

Who was the first man to set foot on the North Pole?
Matthew Henson – a black man

Who was the first american to show the Pilgrims at Plymouth the secrets of survival in the new world?
Squanto – a red man

Who was the soldier of Company G who won high honors for his courage and heroism in World War 1?
Sing Kee – a yellow man

Who was the leader of united farm workers and helped farm workers maintain dignity and respect?
Caesar Chavez – a brown man

Who was the founder of blood plasma and the director of the Red Cross blood bank?
Dr. Charles Drew – a black man

Who was the first American heroine who aided the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Sacajewa – a red woman

Who was the famous educator and semanticist who made outstanding contributions to education in America?
Hayakawa – a yellow man

Who invented the world’s first stop light and the gas mask?
Garrett Morgan – a black man

Who was the American surgeon who was one of the founders of neurosurgery?
Harvey Williams Cushing – a white man

Who was the man who helped design the nation’s capitol, made the first clock to give time in America and wrote the first almanac?
Benjamin Banneker – a black man

Who was the legendary hero who helped establish the League of Iroquois?
Hiawatha – a red man

Who was the leader of the first microbiotic center in America?
Micho Kushi – a yellow man

Who was the founder of the city of Chicago in 1772?
Jean Baptiste – a black man

Who was one of the organizers of the American Indian Movement?
Denis Banks – a red man

Who was the Jewish financier who raised founds to sponsor Cristopher Columbus’ voyage to America?
Lewis D. Santangel – a white man

Who was the woman who led countless slaves to freedom on the underground rairoad?
Harriet Tubman – a black woman



Yes I am cryin’
I got the blues and I don’t know why
Yes I am cryin’
I got the blues, I’m so dissatisfied
‘Cause I’ve been cryin’ through the night
Tears on my pillow
And I have been cryin through the night
Weeping like a weeping willow
From cryin’ through the night
Hear me cryin’ through the night

I am lonely, downhearted and sad
‘Cause I’ve lost the best woman that I ever had
To a friend of mine

Just can’t figure out how it could be
That somebody like him could take her away from me
And it’s on my mind
Nearly all the time

Yes I am cryin’
I got the blues and I don’t know why
Yes I am cryin’
I got the blues, I’m so dissatisfied
‘Cause I’ve been cryin’ through the night
Tears on my pillow
And I have been cryin through the night
Weeping like a weeping willow
From cryin’ through the night
Hear me cryin’ through the night
Now I know just how best friends can be
‘Cause he made sure you knew your best was with me
And it’s on my mind

Here’s a lesson much greater that wealth
Keep your business to you, yourself and no one else
And your smiling eyes
Won’t be cryin’ like mine
Yes I’m cryin’
I got the blues and I don’t know why
Yes I’m cryin’
I got the blues, I’m so dissatisfied
‘Cause I’ve been cryin’ through the night
Tears on my pillow
And I have been cryin’ through the night
Weeping like a weeping willow
From cryin’ through the night
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
I’m like a weeping willow
From cryin’ through the night
Oh, Oh, yeah
Hear me cryin’, cryin’, I’m cryin’, cryin’
I’m cryin’ baby, cryin’ baby yeah
Even a fool can tell
That so many tears sho’ enough done fell
And pretty soon before you know
I’ll have enough tears to fill a water well
Hear me cryin’ through the night
Oh yeah, cryin’ through the night

And it’s on my mind
Nearly all the time

Yes I’m cryin’
I got the blues and I don’t know why
Yes I’m cryin’
I got the blues, I’m so dissatisfied
‘Cause I’ve been cryin’ through the night
Tears on my pillow
And I have been cryin’ through the night
Weeping like a weeping willow
From cryin’ through the night
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
I’m weeping like a weeping willow
Oh, Oh, cryin’ tears, cryin’ tears
Through the night



There is something on my mind that’s in my heart written on my face
And it would behove me and my soul if I did state my case
And so as truth is real and real is truth this truly must be told
That you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

It’s your love for life, your love for God, your love for love and more
And you express your love in ways like I’ve never known before
If there’s a record kept on who’s the sweetest let the record show
That you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

You are the sweetest somebody I know
And that is why I can’t help but love you so

In a time when people are on with making sure that they’re okay
You pour out your love every second, every minute, every hour of the day
I’m not trying to blow your horn I’m only saying what is so
That you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

You are the sweetest somebody I know
And that is why I can’t help but love you so

When I feel like from giving up from seeing all life’s pain and strife
You rejuvenate me saying everything’s gonna be alright
If there’s a place called “heaven” bet my life someday you’re gonna go
Cause you’ve got to be the sweetest somebody I Know

You are the sweetest somebody I know
And that is why I can’t help but love you so



They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
And just the pure at heart will walk her righteous streets someday
They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
But if there is a God, we need Him now
“Where is your God”
That’s what my friends ask me
And I say it’s taken Him so long
‘Cause we’ve got so far to come…

Tell me people
Why can’t they say that hate is 10 zillion light years away
Why can’t the light of good shine God’s love in every soul
Why must my color black make me a lesser man
I thought this world was made for every man
He loves us all, that’s what my God tells me
And I say it’s taken Him so long
‘Cause we’ve got so far to come…

But in my heart I can feel it, yeah,
Feel His spirit wow oh woo…
Feel it, yeah, feel His spirit…

I… can’t say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
But if so let all be pure at heart
Just to walk her righteous streets I pray
Let God’s love shine within to save our evil souls
For those who don’t believe will never see the light
“Where is my God” – He lives inside of me
And I say it’s taken Him so long
‘Cause we’ve got so far to come…
No people, “where is your God?”
Inside please let Him be
And I say it’s taken Him so long
‘Cause we’ve got so far to come…

But if you open your heart you can feel it yeah yeah
Feel His spirit, yeah
Feel it, feel His spirit, wow oh wow…
Feel it, you can feel His spirit
I opened my heart one morning and
I sho nuff could feel it yeah yeah
Feel His spirit yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You can feel it, yeah, feel His spirit
You can feel it, yeah, feel His spirit