Stevie Wonder


Looking back on when I
Was a little nappy headed boy
Then my only worry
Was for Christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes
Would not get a thing
We were happy with the
Joy the day would bring

Sneaking out the back door
To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door
With boy thought I told you not to go outside
Tryin’ your best to bring the
Water to your eyes
Thinkin’ it might stop her
From woopin’ your behind

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
Cause I love them so

Brother says he’s tellin’
‘Bout you playin’ doctor with that girl
Just don’t tell I’ll give you
Anything you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy after church is through

Smokin’ cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall (you nasty boy)
Teacher sends you to the principal’s office down the hall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain’t right
But while you were doing it-it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go



Me and my heart took a
Vow from the start and a
Vow to my heart I never break

Seasons may come and the
Seasons may go but know
Through every time and space
My love will always stay forever and always

From the bottom of my heart, I love you
I can say these words to you without delay
If you’re wondering just how long I’ll love you
Try forever that’s how long I’ll feel this way

Me and my heart got a
Promise from the stars that they’d
Keep this love burning endlessly

People will come just as
People will go but know
Whatever life has in store
Through all eternity you will have my love for always

From the bottom of my heart, I love you
I can say these words to you without delay
If you’re wondering just how long I’ll love you
Try forever that’s how long I’ll feel this way

Yes, forever is how long my love will stay
Forever is a long, long time
But so what?



You just could not know how long we tried
To see how this building looks inside
This must be a lucky day for me
Because the sign says there’s a vacancy

Look I know you came a long way
But you made it just too late
So we had to give it to somebody else
Well I talked to you on the phone less than fifteen minutes ago
And you told me that it was cool
I graduated from Howard U.
My job is paying good money too
And if you check on my resume
You’ll find they all wanted me to stay

Well I can’t take the time out
To check your credit card
‘Cause the computer just broke down today
Well I’ll stop by here tomorrow to complete our interview
But I know what you’re gonna say
I know what your bottomline is

You might have the cash but you
Can…not cash in your face
We don’t want you living in here
Say you might have the cash but you
Can…not cash in your face
We don’t want your kind living in here
Too-oo, Too-oo too bad,
Too-oo, too-oo too sad

Our first child is due here any day
That’s why we’re desperate for a place to stay
The location is so perfect too
So please try to do what you can do

Well in this apartment complex no children are allowed
And if you told me that I could have saved you alot of time
Well I thought the Bill was passed that said you could not discriminate
But I know some excuse you’ll find
Because your bottom line is

You might have the cash but you
Can…not cash in your face
We don’t want you living in here
Say you might have the cash but you
Can…not cash in your face
We don’t want your kind living in here
Aye, you might be a great doctor
You might be a great lawyer
You might possess the key to the city
Or maybe a politician
You might have the cash but you
Can…not cash in your face
We don’t want you living in here
Say you might have the cash but you
Can…not cash in your face
We don’t want your kind living in here



I’ve always come to the conclusion that ‘but’ is the way
Of asking for permission to lay something heavy on ones head
So I have tried to not be the one who ‘ll fall into that line
But what I feel inside I think you should know

And baby that’s you – you – you
Made life’s his*to*ry
Caue you’ve brought some joy inside my tears
And you have done what no one thought could be
You’ve brought some joy inside my tears

I’ve alwys felt that tomorroqw is for those who are too much afraid
To go past yesterday and start for today
I feel that lasting moments are coming fr and few between
So I should tell you of the happiness that you bring
Baby, baby it’s you – you – you
Made life’s his*to*ry
Oh baby, you’ve brought some joy inside my tears
Baby you have done what no one thought could be
You brought some joy inside my tears
You brought some joy inside my tears
You brought some joy inside my tears

You’ve brought some joy inside my tears
Baby, baby you have done what no one thought could be
He – y, you brought some joy inside my tears
Gotta tell you
You – you – you made life’s his*to*ry
You brought some joy inside my tears
– you brought you brought you brought some joy inside my tears
Baby baby baby you have done what no one thought could be
You brought some joy inside my tears

You made it baby you made it baby made it made life’s his*to*ry
– you you you made life’s his*to*ry
You brought some joy inside my tears
You have done what no one thought could be
– No-body ever thought it would be
You have done what no one thought could be

You you you made life’s his*to*ry
– Gotta shout about it baby
You brought some joy inside my tears

You have done what no one thought could be
You brought some joy inside my tears
You you you made life’s his*to*ry
You brought some joy inside my tears
You brought some joy inside my tears
You brought some joy inside my



Send her your love
With a dozen roses
Make sure that she knows it
With a flower from your heart

Show him your love
Don’t hold back your feelings
You don’t need a reason
When it’s straight from the heart

I’ve heard so many say that the days of romance are no more
And people falling in love is so old fashioned
But waiting are they the day they once let slip away
Hiding need to fulfill their heart’s desire for love’s passion

Send her your love
With a dozen roses
Make sure that she knows it
With a flower from your heart

Show him your love
Don’t hold back your feelings
You don’t need a reason
When it’s straight from the heart

I know that people say two hearts beating as one is unreal
And can only happen in make believe stories
But so blind they all must be that they cannot believe what they see
For around us are miracles of love’s glory

Show him your love
Don’t hold back your feelings
You don’t need a reason
When it’s straight from the heart



Are you telling me you feel
Like you have never felt
Ut Oh, my heart
Don’t you know those famous words
Be seen but not heard
Taboo to love

Are you telling me your eyes
Met hers to your surprise
But why, my heart?
How loud must you hear me say
Have fun but don’t play
Taboo to love

Where’s your lantern or candlelight
So to guide you through the hidden spaces
Through its said truth unveils all lies
Feelings can’t be left to roam

So you say you’ve lost your head
But you use your heart instead
Beware of love
This is not like you at all
Who vowed to never fall
Taboo to love, taboo to love
To love, taboo to love

Where’s your raincoat and over-boots
To protect you in stormy weather
Though its said when you walk in truth
Love can bring you no harm

So you’ve made up in your mind
You’ll leave your fears behind
So brave my heart
I guess your heart has made you see
It’s better to be free
No taboo to love

I guess your heart has made you see
It’s much better to be free
No taboo to love
No taboo to love
To love, no taboo to love
To love, no taboo to love
To love, no taboo to love
No taboo to love