#lirik dan terjemahan lagu 2002 anne marie, #2002 lirik terjemahan, #2002 dan terjemahan lirik

Anne Murray


I will always remember
Aku akan selalu ingat
The day you kissed my lips
Hari saat kamu mencium bibirku
Light as a feather
Ringan seperti bulu
And it went just like this
Dan itu terjadi begitu saja
No, it's never been better
Tidak, tidak pernah ada yang lebih baik
Than the summer of two thousand and two
Daripada musim panas tahun 2002
We were only eleven
Kita dulu masih berusia 11 tahun
But acting like grown-ups
Tapi bertingkah seperti orang dewasa
Like we are in the present
Seperti kita yang sekarang ini
Drinking from plastic cups
Minum dari cangkir plastik
Singing "love is forever and ever"
Sambil bernyanyi, "cinta itu selama-lamanya"
Well, I guess that was true
Yah, kurasa itu memang benar
Dancing on the hood
Berdansa di atas kap mobil
In the middle of the woods
Di tengah-tengah hutan
Of an old Mustang
Di mobil Mustang tua
Where we sang
Dimana kita bernyanyi
Songs with all our childhood friends
Lagu-lagu dengan teman-teman masa kecil kita
And it went like this, say
Dan itu terjadi begitu saja, katakan
Oops, I got 99 problems singing bye, bye, bye
Ups, aku punya 99 masalah menyanyikan dah, dah, dah
Hold up, if you wanna go and take a ride with me
Tunggu dulu, jika kamu ingin pergi dan berkendara bersamaku
Better hit me, baby, one more time
Kejutkanlah aku, sayang, sekali lagi
Paint a picture for you and me
Lukislah gambar untukmu dan untukku
Of the days when we were young, uh
Disaat kita masih muda
Singing at the top of both our lungs
Benyanyi sekencang-kencangnya
Now we're under the covers
Kini kita berpura-pura
Fast forward to eighteen
Terasa cepat menuju usia 18
We are more than lovers
Kita lebih dari sekedar kekasih
Yeah, we are all we need
Kitalah yang kita butuhkan
When we're holding each other
Saat kita berpelukan
I'm taken back to two thousand and two
Aku terbawa kembali pada tahun 2002
Dancing on the hood
Berdansa di atas kap mobil
In the middle of the woods
Di tengah-tengah hutan
Of an old Mustang
Di mobil Mustang tua
Where we sang
Dimana kita bernyanyi
Songs with all our childhood friends
Lagu-lagu dengan teman-teman masa kecil kita
And it went like this, say
Dan itu terjadi begitu saja, katakan
Oops, I got 99 problems singing bye, bye, bye
Ups, aku punya 99 masalah menyanyikan dah, dah, dah
Hold up, if you wanna go and take a ride with me
Tunggu dulu, jika kamu ingin pergi dan berkendara bersamaku
Better hit me, baby, one more time
Kejutkanlah aku, sayang, sekali lagi
Paint a picture for you and me
Lukislah gambar untukmu dan untukku
Of the days when we were young, uh
Disaat kita masih muda
Singing at the top of both our lungs
Benyanyi sekencang-kencangnya
On the day we fell in love
Di hari kita jatuh cinta
On the day we fell in love
Di hari kita jatuh cinta
Dancing on the hood
Berdansa di atas kap mobil
In the middle of the woods
Di tengah-tengah hutan
Of an old Mustang
Di mobil Mustang tua
Where we sang
Dimana kita bernyanyi
Songs with all our childhood friends
Lagu-lagu dengan teman-teman masa kecil kita
Oh, now
Oh, sekarang
Oops, I got 99 problems singing bye, bye, bye
Ups, aku punya 99 masalah menyanyikan dah, dah, dah
Hold up, if you wanna go and take a ride with me
Tunggu dulu, jika kamu ingin pergi dan berkendara bersamaku
Better hit me, baby, one more time
Kejutkanlah aku, sayang, sekali lagi
Paint a picture for you and me
Lukislah gambar untukmu dan untukku
Of the days when we were young, uh
Disaat kita masih muda
Singing at the top of both our lungs
Benyanyi sekencang-kencangnya
On the day we fell in love
Di hari dimana kita jatuh cinta
On the day we fell in love
Di hari dimana kita jatuh cinta
On the day we fell in love
Di hari dimana kita jatuh cinta
On the day we fell in love
Di hari dimana kita jatuh cinta
On the day we fell in love, love, love
Di hari dimana kita jatuh cinta



Amazing grace!
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.



I knew I was playing with fire from the day that I met you
Aku tahu aku bermain api mulai saat aku bertemu denganmu
Memories that play in my mind make it hard to forget you
Kenangan yang berputar dalam pikiranku membuatku sulit untuk melupakanmu
Reason to run, reason to stay
Alasan untuk kabur, alasan untuk tinggal
Just one more night'll be okay
Hanya semalam saja akan jadi lebih baik
Used to be fun, now everything's changed
Dulunya menyenangkan, sekarang semua t'lah berubah
Don't know how much more we can take
Tak tahu sebanyak apa kita bisa menerima
Here we go again
Inilah lagi
No, I don't wanna fight, don't wanna say goodbye
Tidak, aku tak ingin bertengkar, tak ingin mengucap selamat tinggal
When will we realise we're better not together?
Kapan kau akan sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama?
Been here a thousand times, least we can say we tried
Di sini ribuan kali, paling tidak kita bisa bilang bahwa kita sudah mencoba
When will we realise we're better not together?
Kapan kita akan sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama?
'Cause neither of us wanna be alone
Karena tak ada dari kita yang ingin sendirian
We're losing grip but we can't let go
Kita kehilangan pegangan tapi tak bisa melepaskan
I don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
Aku tak ingin bertengkar, inilah waktunya ucapkan selamat tinggal
We need to realise we're better not together
Kita harus sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama
Got me like the heat of the sun, now your vibe's getting colder
Membuatku panas seperti matahari, sekarang auramu menjadi dingin
Screaming at the top of my lungs and then I'm pulling you closer
Berteriak sekuat tenaga dan aku menarikmu mendekat
Reason to run, reason to stay
Alasan untuk kabur, alasan untuk tinggal
Just one more night'll be okay
Hanya semalam saja akan jadi lebih baik
Used to be fun, now everything's changed
Dulunya menyenangkan, sekarang semua t'lah berubah
Don't know how much more we can take
Tak tahu sebanyak apa kita bisa menerima
Here we go again
Inilah lagi
No, I don't wanna fight, don't wanna say goodbye
Tidak, aku tak ingin bertengkar, tak ingin mengucap selamat tinggal
When will we realise we're better not together?
Kapan kau akan sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama?
Been here a thousand times, least we can say we tried
Di sini ribuan kali, paling tidak kita bisa bilang bahwa kita sudah mencoba
When will we realise we're better not together?
Kapan kita akan sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama?
'Cause neither of us wanna be alone
Karena tak ada dari kita yang ingin sendirian
We're losing grip but we can't let go
Kita kehilangan pegangan tapi tak bisa melepaskan
I don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
Aku tak ingin bertengkar, inilah waktunya ucapkan selamat tinggal
We need to realise we're better not together
Kita harus sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama
No, I don't wanna fight
Tidak, tak ingin bertengkar
Oh, it's time to say goodbye
Oh, inilah waktunya 'tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal
Been here a thousand times, least we can say we tried
Telah di sini selama ribuan tahun, setidaknya kita bisa mengatakan bahwa kita telah mencoba
We need to realise we're better not together
Kita perlu sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama
No, I don't wanna fight, don't wanna say goodbye
Tidak, aku tak ingin bertengkar, tak ingin mengucap selamat tinggal
When will we realise we're better not together?
Kapan kau akan sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama?
Been here a thousand times, least we can say we tried
Di sini ribuan kali, paling tidak kita bisa bilang bahwa kita sudah mencoba
When will we realise we're better not together?
Kapan kita akan sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama?
'Cause neither of us wanna be alone
Karena tak ada dari kita yang ingin sendirian
We're losing grip but we can't let go
Kita kehilangan pegangan tapi tak bisa melepaskan
I don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
Aku tak ingin bertengkar, inilah waktunya ucapkan selamat tinggal
We need to realise we're better not together
Kita harus sadar bahwa kita tak seharusnya bersama



Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you."
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me.
Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
Just saying this.
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
Just saying this.
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me.
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me



Daydream BelieverAnne MurrayWords and Music by John StewartPeaked at #12 in 1980Previously a # 1 for The Monkees in 1967Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings of the bluebird as she *sleeps*The six o'clock alarm would never ringBut it rings and we rise, wipe the sleep out of our eyesThe shavin' razor's cold and it stingsCHORUSCheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it meanTo a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?I once thought of you as a white knight on a steedNow you know how happy we can beOh, and our good times **started thenWith a dollar one to spend**But how much baby do we really need?CHORUSBrief instrumental interludeCHORUS X 2 with FADE in middle of the secondTRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: * Anne definitely sings *sleep* whereas the Monkees sang "sings." Sheet music agrees with the Monkees but hers makes more sense. In that the second part of the verse is about waking up, one may infer that the first part is about being asleep. Who could sleep beneath a bird's wings as it SINGS? The Monkees also sang **start and end WITHOUT dollar one to spend." I'm of two minds here: In that it likely means they were happy when they didn't have much money, WITHOUT makes lots of sense. On the other hand, "with a dollar one to spend" could be seen as having only $1.01. Sheet music agrees with the Monkees' "without."



There's a wren in a willow wood
Ada seekor burung wren di pohon willow
Flys so high and sings so good
Terbang sangat tinggi dan bernyanyi dengan sangat baik
And he brings to you, what he sings to you
Dan dia membawakan untukmu, apa yang dia nyanyikan untukmu
Like my brother the wren and I
Seperti saudaraku si gelatik dan aku
Well, he told if I try, I could fly for you
Yah, dia memberi tahu jika aku mencoba, aku bisa terbang untukmu
And I wanna try for you, 'cause
Dan aku ingin mencoba untukmu, karena
I wanna sing you a love song
Aku ingin menyanyikan lagu cinta untukmu
I wanna rock you in my arms all night long
Aku ingin mengayunmu dalam pelukanku sepanjang malam
I wanna get to know you
Aku ingin mengenalmu
I wanna show you, the peaceful feelin of my home
Saya ingin menunjukkan kepada Anda, perasaan damai dari rumahku
Summer thunder on moon-bright days
Guntur musim panas di hari-hari cerah bulan
Northern Lights and skies ablaze
Cahaya Utara dan langit menyala
And I bring to you, lover, when I sing to you
Dan aku membawamu, kekasih, saat aku bernyanyi untukmu
Silver wings in a fiery sky
Sayap perak di langit yang berapi-api
Show the trail of my love and I
Tunjukkan jejak cintaku dan aku
Sing to you, love is what I bring to you
Bernyanyi untukmu, cinta adalah apa yang kubawa untukmu
And I wanna sing to you, oh
Dan aku ingin bernyanyi untukmu, oh
I wanna sing you a love song
Aku ingin menyanyikan lagu cinta untukmu
I wanna rock you in my arms all night long
Aku ingin mengayunmu dalam pelukanku sepanjang malam
Brief interlude
Selingan singkat
I wanna sing you a love song
Aku ingin menyanyikan lagu cinta untukmu
I wanna rock you in my arms all night long
Aku ingin mengayunmu dalam pelukanku sepanjang malam
I wanna get to know you
Aku ingin mengenalmu
I want to show you, the feeling of peace from my house
Saya ingin menunjukkan kepada Anda, perasaan damai dari rumahku
I want to show you, the feeling of peace from my house
Saya ingin menunjukkan kepada Anda, perasaan damai dari rumahku